What is Log Home Maintenance?
Log home maintenance is the overall upkeep on a log home shell to ensure there is proper protection from damaging UV radiation, water damage, air infiltration, and insect and rodent intrusion.περίεργος εδώ
One part of maintenance that really helps to extend the life of log home stains and sealants is a yearly wash of your log home. This is not a difficult process, but very beneficial. This removes any surface contaminants such as dust, pollen, bird feces, and insect remains that will eventually wear the finish prematurely. Washing the log home is also a good time to do a quick home inspection, locate any areas of failed caulking or chinking and provide an overall assessment of the condition of the log home stain to get an idea of what walls or areas need a maintenance coat of stain.
Why should I be interested in or care about regularly maintaining their log cabin home?
Just like a periodic car wash, tune-up, oil change, and tire rotation keep a car looking better and running longer, so an annual inspection and as-needed maintenance will keep a log home looking good with integrity and value.
What Is It Going to Cost to Restore My Log Home?
Each log home is unique in its own ways and therefore costs are custom priced. No log home is the same as the next one. Different variables are taken into consideration when pricing our homes. Size, condition, accessibility, and so on. A full restoration is by no means a cheap or easy fix and should be done by a log home specialist such as GSLHS. Call us for a quote. Most quotes are free. If extensive travel needs a fee will occur and if you choose to use GSLHS that fee will be deducted from your rate.
How Long Will It Take?
While each log home is different it takes on average 3-6 weeks from start to finish. It usually takes this long due to drying times, application times, preparations, curing time for any caulking or chinking, and weather conditions. The average restoration job involves normally about 5+ trips around the entire home. This means, moving ladders, scaffolding, equipment, and so forth multiple times.
How do I protect my log home from moisture, insects, and fungi?
The two most important protections are adequate roof overhangs and eaves troughs. Insects and fungi prefer damp wood, so it is very important to keep your wood dry. As well, the finish treatment of the logs helps prevent decay, insects, and fungi.
Applying finish requires repeat treatments. The finish should be high-quality, allow the wood to breathe and water repellent. Do NOT try to save on exterior finishes. They keep your log home protected and the wood looking good. Also, keep all shrubs and firewood off your log walls
Can you buy a good stain from the local hardware store?
Basic stain products are OK and probably affordable, but the reduction in price usually means a reduction in quality. This will eventually cost you more in the long run. Find a log home supply store or go online to view all companies. You may want to ask a local log homeowner what they use. A good log home stain is formulated to prevent moisture from entering the fiber of your logs and has the right amount of pigment to prevent sun damage. A log home stain will give you the best overall look for your home. Make sure you have a professional log home specialist apply the stain.